林育群 Lin Yu Chun 20100421 Lopez Tonight pt.1/2

西元2010年04月22日 — Wednesday, April 21, 2010 《羅培茲今夜秀》小胖林育群赴美參加知名脫口秀主持人George Lopez節目錄影專訪,並現場演唱惠妮休斯頓代表作Saving All My Love For You 並邀請著名影集《星艦迷航記》艦長William Shatner合唱Total Eclipse of the Heart《全蝕之心》,再度獲得全場起立鼓掌! 本節目《羅培茲今夜秀》於美西4/21(三) 夜間11:00 PDT ,也就是台灣4/22(四) 下午2:00, 在美國華納公司所屬的TBS頻道播出,估計至少超過120萬人次收看。 Taiwanese Superstar & William Shatner Duet weeknights at 11/10c SNEAK PEEK: Captain Kirk teams up with the Taiwanese Susan Boyle. Tune in Wednesday at 11! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Courtesy:[Lopez Tonight] http://www.lopeztonight.com/ ---------------------------------------- 相關資訊及網址Related Links: Official site》This Happens Tonight... (April 21, 2010) Taiwanese Superstar & William Shatner Duet http://www.lopeztonight.com/this_happ... (You may leave comments here! 大家踴躍前往留言吧~) Original Clip》Lopez Tonight: Lin Yu Chun (4/21/2010) http://www.tbs.com/video/index.jsp?oi... [ellen show] Lin Yu-Chun - I Will Always Love You「小胖」林育羣(群)美國知名脫口秀 西元2010年04月21日 — What a talented boy from Taiwan. It is obvious from his interview in Ellen show. Although he does not speak fluent English, he has tried and succeeded in many sentences. When he sings in English, it is flawless and amazing. Lin Yu Chun the new YouTube star, made an appearance on the Ellen DeGeneres show. On the show, he sang I will always love you written by Dolly Parton, but made famous by Whitney Houston. He sang during a taped rehearsal as well. 「小胖」林育群21日接受美國知名脫口秀「Ellen DeGeneres Show」,主持人ellen開場就以「來自台灣的神奇小男孩」介紹林育群。對於能登上美國節目,林育群很高興終於讓全世界知道台灣。在Ellen Show裡,演唱讓他暴紅的「I WillAlways Love You」後,觀眾全部起立鼓掌,讓小胖感受到美國觀眾的熱情。

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